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LsL Guitars /USAInstrumente aus Californien mit dem Sound von Californien Jedes Instrument ein Erlebnis.Gut, daß gute Gitarren nicht von alleine spielen. Auf den Spass will man nicht verzichten Bald eine ausgesuchte Auswahl dieser Ausnahmeinstrumentean Lager.
Die Ukulelen der LANIKAI Learning Ukulele-Serie bieten viele Vorteile, die bei anderen Ukulelen dieser Preisklasse nicht zu finden sind. Sie sind mit schwarzen Open-Back-Tunern ausgestattet, bieten NuBone XB®-Sattel und -Stegeinlage, und werden in einem praktischen Gigbag geliefert. Alles in allem ist unsere LU-Serie die perfekte Wahl für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.
Größe: Tenor
Mensur: 430 mm
Bünde: 17
Halsbreite am Sattel: 37,4 mm
2 Gurtpins, chrom
8-hole Quick tie bridge: für ein schnelles und einfaches Wechseln der Saiten
Die Ukulelen der LANIKAI Learning Ukulele-Serie bieten viele Vorteile, die bei anderen Ukulelen dieser Preisklasse nicht zu finden sind. Sie sind mit schwarzen Open-Back-Tunern ausgestattet, bieten NuBone XB?-Sattel und -Stegeinlage, und werden in einem praktischen Gigbag geliefert. Alles in allem ist unsere LU-Serie die perfekte Wahl f?r Anf?nger und Fortgeschrittene. Gr??e: Konzert Mensur: 376 mm B?nde: 18 Halsbreite am Sattel: 37,4 mm 2 Gurtpins, chrom 8-hole Quick tie bridge: f?r ein schnelles und einfaches Wechseln der Saiten Cutaway: Nein Decke, Boden und Zargen: Okoume Hals: Okoume Griffbrett: Techwood Mechaniken: Schwarz, offen Sattel und Stegeinlage: Graph Tech NuBone XB Saiten: Aquila Binding und Rosette: white ABS Lackierung: Natur, seidenmatt LANIKAI Logo: schwarz mit Tasche Downloads Details Preis Rabatte Verf?gbarkeit 1 2 Previous Next * = auslaufender Artikel / ** = Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung 60,13 EUR 95,00 EUR
incl. 19 % UST zzgl.
- Okoume neck The Okoume neck provides greater playing comfort.
- Purpleheart fretboard The Purpleheart fretboard emphasizes the beauty and the rich tonal character of this bass.
- Spruce top Spruce remains the most popular wood for acoustic guitar tops, mainly due to its pristine tonal clarity.
- Sapele back and sides Sapele back and sides offer a full-bodied and warm mid-range and a bright tone.
- Magnetic single pickup For the ”less traditional” player, the M510E features a magnetic pickup and tone controls to make sure the incomparable sound of the mandolin can be heard in any venue.
- Purpleheart bridge The Purpleheart bridge transfers string vibration directly to the body, delivering a natural and warm tone.
- Okoume Neck The Okoume neck provides greater playing comfort.
- Purpleheart fretboard The Purpleheart fretboard emphasizes the beauty and the rich tonal character of this bass.
- Spruce top Spruce remains the most popular wood for acoustic guitar tops, mainly due to its pristine tonal clarity.
- Solid Paulownia back and sides The light weight Paulownia back and sides offer well-balanced tone with superior note definition and added brightness.
- Purpleheart double hole bridge The double hole bridge makes string changes super easy as there is no need to bend the strings or tie a knot at the end. This also helps maintain the correct string tension, which enhances tuning stability.
- Gig bag included It comes with Ibanez gig bag which is designed specifically to fit and protect this instrument.
****Special Features****
- Stereo Sound Port System The dual sound holes on the waist provide a unique surround sound effect, helping players more effectively monitor their sound.
- Elevated Comfort Armrest This Elevated Comfort Armrest can prevent your arm from touching the body top to provide richer sound and natural sustain while providing extreme playing comfort.
- Beveled Cutaway The Beveled Cutaway offers exceptional high fret access.
- Edgeless Comfort Heel The Edgeless Comfort Heel is smoothly rounded toward the cutaway, allowing for easy playing in any position.
- Chambered body (Acoustic) Its body starts as a solid block of wood and is routed out, so that the back and sides are a single piece of wood. A top is then added to complete the body. This construction method gives this instrument a unique sound.